Our experts

At CIPFA we specialise in all aspects of public services finance and our experts are unrivalled.

Dave Ayre

Forename: Dave

Surname: Ayre

Job title: Property Networks Manager

Expertise: Property


Dave is a qualified public service manager with extensive experience in the development and implementation of innovative public/private partnerships. He manages CIPFA's Highways Asset Management Planning, Strategic Assets and Property Training Networks, and advises on asset management, partnering and wider property issues throughout the UK.


Dave is a qualified public service manager with extensive experience in the development and implementation of innovative public/private partnerships. He manages CIPFA's Highways Asset Management Planning, Strategic Assets, and Property Training Networks, and advises on asset management, partnering and wider property issues throughout the UK.

He has considerable local government experience and has also worked as a consultant and CIPFA associate. Dave has contributed at a national level to the development of successive government performance management regimes for planning, property and construction through the Planning Officers Society, the Local Government Construction Taskforce and Constructing Excellence.

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